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Restore: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Restore: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Restore: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
Restore: Accepts time Accepts time
Restore: Accepts things Accepts things
Restore: Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

Restore Address: Restore, Manzil Way, Cowley Road, Oxford - OX4 1YH
Restore, Manzil Way, Cowley Road, Oxford
Restore Phone Number: 01865 455821
01865 455821

Service Type

Other support services

Service Description

Restore works with anyone who feels their mental health problem is having a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Mental health issues can include psychotic illnesses—such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder—depression, and anxiety disorders.

Restore has six recovery groups across Oxfordshire, four in Oxford, one in Banbury and a further site in Didcot. Therapeutic recovery groups offer structured activities including crafts, cooking, gardening, woodwork and hospitality. Restore's coaching service helps members move towards their own recovery goals, such as employment, volunteering or training. They also support recovery through free courses at Oxfordshire Recovery College.

Restore is part of the Oxford Mental Health Partnership

Key functions & activities offered

Restore is an Oxfordshire based mental health charity that supports adults to take control of their own recovery, gain skills, build confidence and develop connections with others. They make this possible by offering:

  • Therapeutic activities
  • Employment coaching
  • Free learning opportunities