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Mindful Refuge

Grow your mindfulness for wellbeing

Mindful Refuge: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Mindful Refuge: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Mindful Refuge: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
Mindful Refuge: Accepts time Accepts time
Mindful Refuge: Accepts things Accepts things
Mindful Refuge: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money

Contact Details

Mindful Refuge Phone Number: 07446 833438
07446 833438

Service Type

Positive activities

Funding Status

Volunteer-led project handling no funds

Operating Hours

7.30pm on a week night - email or phone for details

Eligibility & Referral

If you’re reading this website and you are over 18, you are very likely eligible. Referrals are taken from Prison Phoenix Trust, LEAF, AA and elsewhere

Service Description

Mindfulness for wellbeing.

From the project website: "With mindfulness, you strengthen raw awareness. This is an experience to build. It’s not ideas, not philosophy, nor head knowledge. The experience grows, and then greater wellbeing happens. Lives get transformed. It’s more than just “feeling OK”—and it’s not about looking at “problems”. If you grow your mindfulness, it’s a solid, proven way to reduce the impact of stress and improve your wellbeing."

The project offers everything you need to grow your mindfulness for wellbeing. Its main activity is a free of charge regular group, 7.30pm on a week night in Oxford city. They do 3 types of sitting meditation and occasional mindful movement. Light refreshments, a bit of community, meet new people. For beginners they offer an intro. There’s also time to ask questions and find out how to improve.

Email or phone for the details. 

You stay in control. Develop a new life skill. Find peers. Tell the group what you’ve learned. Get peace alone. Find more calm in your life. Take your time. Join any week. "Small changes lead to wonderful things."

Group motto: “It’s your meditation practice. Do what’s best for you.”

This project launched with a pilot at the library in the Westgate in June 2022.

It is now an official supporter of LEAF.  

Non-sectarian. Secular in style. Welcoming people of any religion or no religion. Supportive of those who are on a spiritual journey.

Friends with The Prison Phoenix Trust.

It is common advice to say "consult with a medical professional before undertaking meditation".

Key functions & activities offered

These are the 4 main free resources from this project

  • a free-of-charge week night group in a quiet part of central Oxford, 7.30pm - to express interest, email the group
  • expert online guide for how to build your mindfulness for wellbeing through meditation
  • log-in web page with high-quality recorded, guided meditations 
  • free cushions so those who are housed can practice at home 

Tailored support is also available. Build your personal meditation "gym reps" plan with the goal of greater wellbeing.

Meditation Cushion Campaign

With about £50 you could buy a meditation cushion, or "zafu". You supply the cushion, and the volunteers will make sure it gets to someone who will appreciate it. (Two cushions given so far.)

LEAF link

Occasional mini meditations at LEAF meetings.

Sector networking / future plans

The project is interested in how we encourage ongoing "formal mindfulness" practice for wellbeing in the ways experts like Jon Kabat-Zinn have always made clear are essential to unlock the full health benefits of mindfulness. Can the 'gym reps' model be used in other settings? Are there other creative things we can do?