Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
On 12th October 2023, CEOs, business and academic leaders slept beneath the stars at University College Sports Ground, Oxford, to help change lives. The event was part of World Homeless Day and OHM used it as a way to raise awareness of the realities of homelessness and to also raise much needed funds.

2023 in detail
The event raised over £75,000 and with core running costs paid by a private donor, every penny raised by OHM will go to frontline projects and partners.
On the big night, participants heard from someone who has lived through and overcome homelessness; Jane Cranston the OHM Chair about the help available for people and how businesses can further help; Angela Unsworth of University College about her experience of employing people who have previously been homeless and Jan Royall, Principal of Somerville College and Co-Chair of the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership about other actions businesses can take.
The lovely CEO Sleepouters were emotional the following morning, but despite having been rained on throughout the night, were so grateful for the experience and for what they learned. They could go back to their homes knowing that they had made a difference through their one night of discomfort.
2023—more pictures and video:

Please visit the CEO Sleepout Oxford GoogleDrive to view all the photos from the night.
2022 in pictures: