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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Housing Led Feasibility Study for Oxfordshire

Crisis, Oxfordshire County Council and the five district councils have jointly funded and commissioned a feasibility study which proposes how the homelessness and housing system in Oxfordshire could become more housing led’. Housing led approaches or what is also known as ‘rapid rehousing’ is an approach to ending someone’s homelessness by moving them into their own home as soon as possible. It operates under the guiding principle that everyone has a right to a home and does not rely on the condition that someone must be tenancy ‘ready’ before being offered their own home.

This piece of research forms part of a programme of work aiming to answer the question of whether there is a better way for Oxfordshire to deliver services to end homelessness for single people.

The study is now complete and consulted widely across Oxfordshire. The Crisis website explains about the study in full.

The summary report of this study is also now attached on the Crisis website.