Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
Barton Advice Centre
Oxfordshire Welfare Rights - Barton Advice Centre

Contact Details
Service Type
Funding Status
Directly funded by Oxford City Council
Operating Hours
Book an appointment by phone between 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Eligibility & Referral
Face to face advice is available to residents of OX3 only. Telephone advice is available to anyone in Oxford.
Service Description
Barton Advice Centre provides specialist debt and benefits advice, and general advice in in consumer, family law, housing and employment.
The centre is also home to Oxfordshire Welfare Rights, which provides specialist benefit casework and representation at benefits tribunals for clients who have been referred by other advice agencies.
Key functions & activities offered
Appointments are available from 9am to 4pm from Tuesday until Friday. Phone to book. Drop-ins are no longer available.
Telephone advice
This is available for all Oxford residents between 9am and 5pm on weekdays. Residents outside of Oxford City requiring advice should contact the Oxfordshire Specialist Advice Service on 01865 410660.
To donate to them see their website.