Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
Emmaus Oxford

Contact Details
Service Type
Positive move-on options
Operating Hours
9.30am-5pm, Mon-Sat & 10am-4pm Sun
Eligibility & Referral
Homeless or vulnerably-housed men and women over the age of 18. Self-referral through direct presentation, phone, post, email, the website, and Facebook.
Service Description
Emmaus Oxford provides accommodation, support and meaningful work to homeless people. They run a small community which houses 28 people who have been homeless. They call those people their companions. They ask companions to volunteer with them in their social enterprise.
Emmaus work with adults who have been or are currently homeless or who are vulnerably housed. Their work is based in Oxford, but they accept applications from homeless people from any part of the UK.
Emmaus Oxford believe that homeless people need more than a roof over their head. That’s why they ask their companions to work for them, to get a routine and a sense of purpose. Through that work companions gain self-respect, skills and confidence. At the same time they provide companions with a safe place to live as part of a community to combat social exclusion. Emmaus encourage companions to help people who are less fortunate through activities which they call Solidarity. They do this to challenge the view which companions can have of themselves as someone who passively receives help and charity. Companions can work towards NVQs and with Emmaus and each person gets one day a week to take part in training, education or well-being related activities outside of Emmaus.
Companions live and work in the Emmaus community for as long as they need to. When they are ready Emmaus staff help them to move into more independent accommodation and employment.
Emmaus Oxford is an independent charity, and also part of Emmaus UK, Emmaus Europe and Emmaus International. They rely on their social enterprise to provide most of their income and they receive no ongoing statutory funding.
Funds available
A Resettlement Support Fund is now available from The National Lottery Community Fund via Emmaus. This fund offers people a ‘starter park’ of furniture and essentials to enable people to move from temporary accommodation into permanent homes quickly and comfortably and at no cost to them.
Emmaus are now inviting all organisations supporting people out of homelessness across Oxfordshire to apply for this support. See their fund details, which includes a link to the application form.
Furniture donating
See the book a collection form, or email their furniture department.
Key functions & activities offered
- Emmaus houses around 38 homeless people each year, who are given support through a small team of support workers and a progression worker
- They help homeless individuals overcome their issues and become more independent through:
- Full-time work experience and work in its business
- Excellent training opportunities, which include driving training, cash handling, and training and qualifications in health and safety and merchandising
- Two solidarity beds are used for asylum seekers appealing a Home Office decision, and these beds are internally subsidised through Emmaus’ business
- Every year several companions move on into employment and independent living
- Emmaus companions sign off all benefits except housing benefit, saving large amounts of state money as a result
- They also directly employ ex-companions and people who have experienced homelessness themselves