Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
Arts at the Old Fire Station
The Old Fire Station

Service Type
Positive activities and help into employment
Service Description
They have a deep partnership with Crisis, with whom they share a building. Through this they work with people who are experiencing homelessness by involving them at various levels in their arts centre. They are the only arts centre in the UK to partner with a homelessness charity in this way. This is not ‘homeless people doing art’, but a professional arts centre which could not operate without people who are experiencing homelessness.
They help people to access networks, build friendships, improve mental health, deal with complex challenges or financial or personal problems, find purpose and agency, and build confidence.
‘It sounds silly and over the top, doesn't it? But it is life changing. The things they think are normal, the way you're talked to, asked your opinion, you lose when you become homeless or have some crisis. You don't just lose your home, you lose anything positive, become this thing to be dealt with. It's learning to live in a healthier way, and remembering you have value, something to offer. It's like the colour coming back into the world... like waking up and it's spring. It made me feel like a real person again, like a proper person, I suppose.’
Key functions & activities offered
Arts at The Old Fire Station support people experiencing homelessness by:
- Giving free theatre tickets
- Providing opportunities to train and volunteer in all areas of their lovely arts centre
- Providing opportunities to make decisions with them by acting as advisors, staff or trustees
- Inviting to co-create work alongside professionals to be shown in their spaces
- Offering a range of pay-what-you-can creative classes
- Working with people who have been homeless in the long term—beyond their time with Crisis—to support them to make positive changes