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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Oxford Poverty Action Trust


Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

Oxford Poverty Action Trust Address: c/o 25 Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 6HA -
c/o 25 Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 6HA

Service Type

Fundraising and support

Service Description

The Oxford Poverty Action Trust (OxPAT) raises money to help homeless people in Oxfordshire. Their aim is to give the public an alternative to giving money directly to people on the street, which may fuel dependency on alcohol or drugs, and may contribute to keeping a homeless person on the street.

Their diverted giving scheme provides a means whereby public generosity can be channelled productively. Giving money to OxPAT makes your small change count and can contribute to significant life change.

All the money raised goes to help individuals who are homeless, possibly rough sleeping, or who are at risk of homelessness. They do this by giving the money raised to partner charities who work directly with the homeless in Oxfordshire.

You can read about OxPAT's partners on their fundraising website. 

Key functions & activities offered

  • Fundraising via diverted giving
  • Channelling the public's donations to charities working with the homeless
  • Donations can be made via standing order, cheque, collecting boxes in public places, and other donation sites
  • All funds go towards providing direct help to homeless or vulnerably-housed adults