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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

The Porch Day Centre

The Porch

The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Porch Day Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Porch Day Centre: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
The Porch Day Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Porch Day Centre: Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

The Porch Day Centre Address: 139 Magdalen Road, Oxford - OX4 1RL
139 Magdalen Road, Oxford
The Porch Day Centre Phone Number: 01865 251798
01865 251798

Service Type

Day service

Operating Hours

See Key functions & activities offered

Eligibility & Referral

Drop in

Service Description

The Porch provides day services for those who are homeless or vulnerably housed. This includes you if you are rough sleeping, sofa-surfing or in temporary emergency accommodation. At the lunch sessions it also includes those considered vulnerably housed.

The Porch offers one-to-one support and focuses on the individual, working with other organisations at times, taking a holistic attitude, and seeking to address as-yet un-met needs.

The day centre takes up to 74 people and sees about 54 people a day. Their rest room is the only daytime sleeping facility available in Oxford city.


The Porch was awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service due to its work with the voluntary sector and engagement with the local and wider community over the past 30 years.

The centre’s catering manager, Lorraine Green, received The High Sheriff’s Award for 18 years of commitment to The Porch’s members, and for the in-house training she’s given people, which created employability for lots of people.

Key functions & activities offered

Operating hours

Mon-Fri 8.15-11.30am inc. breakfast until 10.30am, laundry, phone, internet*, shower, clothes, library, space to get rest, 1:1 support.

11.30am-2pm with amenities as above, and lunch until 1.30pm.

2-3.30pm by appointment for 1:1 support; planned, structured group activities; and one or two amenities (laundry, shower, clothing).


This may come from a support worker, or through drop-in surgeries delivered by partners.

Planned, structured group activities

These have recently included board games, art sessions, music sessions, creative writing, table-top gardening, and more.