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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Our Impact

Alongside our signposting and convening role, OHM has an impact by filling the critical gaps in homelessness provision that others cannot. As part of this, we always work in partnership, meaning that we have the best team for the job. We won’t initiate a project where one of our many partners is already providing a service.

We are proud of the impact we are making through the following activities.


NRPF no recourse to public funds project

Supporting people with nowhere else to turn

OHM’s flagship project supports people experiencing homelessness who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF), meaning they have lost or don’t have access to state-funded benefits and housing. It is a last resort to help them move on from the trauma of homelessness and lead productive lives in Oxfordshire.


LEAF Lived Experience Advisory Forum

Listening to the voices of those who understand homelessness

The Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF) is an initiative that makes homeless provision in Oxfordshire more effective by consulting people with lived experience. LEAF was initiated by OHM and is now being funded by us thanks in part to generous donations from local businesses and the public. Ten members contribute their recent experience of being homeless in Oxfordshire.


HOME Housing Opportunities Made Easy

Providing more affordable homes to people who need them

Housing Opportunities Made Easy (HOME) is Aspire's affordable progression accommodation for Oxford city. It matches individuals with private landlords’ accommodation to make safe and affordable housing available for those in need.


Women-only services project

Signposting what is available, and identifying what is not, so we can better protect and help Oxfordshire's vulnerable women

OHM has just published the best ever guide on what is available for women affected by homelessness in Oxfordshire. Now we know for sure that there are some gaps in service provision. Working to really understand the picture through more study will mean we can collectively design future services. Vulnerable women should then be better protected and helped. In some ways this is only a beginning—but we think it is a really great start.


Making houses into homes

OHM has been working closely with grassroots community organisations to bring home comforts into accommodation provided by councils, so that people are not moving into an empty shell where they don’t feel comfortable staying. This ranges from furniture and white goods to cushions and decorations.


Influencing local policy

OHM worked closely with Crisis to contribute towards a feasibility study into adopting a housing-led approach to ending and preventing homelessness in Oxfordshire, such as that practised during the pandemic. The study drew on OHM’s Lived Experience Advisory Forum and has resulted in a new partnership agreement signed by all six local councils with a commitment to housing-led policy.


Bringing people inside during the pandemic

When COVID-19 hit, a Government mandate meant that anyone sleeping rough had to be brought inside, and local hotels and youth hostels were made available for this. OHM’s partners supported the City Council to make this happen overnight, and then secure interim housing.


Creating long-term solutions post-pandemic

OHM funded two projects to help homeless and vulnerably housed people transition successfully from emergency COVID-19 accommodation to an independent life in their own long-term, self-supported housing. The projects by Aspire and ACT also give support to tackle addictions and mental health issues, manage finances and gain work experience.

Next steps

  • By giving to OHM, you enable the work to continue into the coming months and years. If you would like to support these projects, please donate
Last updated January 2025.