Housing Options - Cherwell
Cherwell District Council
Doesn't provide shelter
Provides guidance
Doesn't provide new skill learning
Doesn't accept time
Doesn't accept things
Doesn't accept money
Contact Details
Bodicote House, Bodictote, Banbury
OX15 4AA
OX15 4AA
If you are homeless tonight or imminently 01295 753751; out of hours homelessness emergencies 01295 221531
Service Type
Other support services
Operating Hours
9.00am-5.15pm, Mon-Fri
Service Description
They have a legal duty to assist you if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, which includes working with you to prevent homelessness from occurring, where this is possible.
Key functions & activities offered
If you have nowhere to sleep tonight or are concerned about someone who is homeless or sleeping rough, contact their Housing Options Team.