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Lived Experience Advisory Forum

Lived Experience Advisory Forum


Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts time Accepts time
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts things Accepts things
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

Lived Experience Advisory Forum Phone Number: You can contact Lucy on 07861 898 446 or Monica on 07436 883 922
You can contact Lucy on 07861 898 446 or Monica on 07436 883 922

Funding Status

LEAF is funded by Oxfordshire Homeless Movement and is supported by the Gatehouse & Aspire

Operating Hours

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri

Eligibility & Referral

Self referral

Service Description

The Movement believes that people with lived experience should be at the heart of what we do. 

The Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF) was instigated by OHM and continues to be funded by us. It is an independent group run by and for people with lived experience of homelessness and is coordinated by Lucy and Monica. 

The aim of this group is to ensure that the valuable input of Experts through Experience is included across Oxfordshire within commissioning, service planning, policy change, decision making, and service evaluation.

LEAF consults with organisations across the County to embed the voice of people with lived experience in the sector, while offering our members new opportunities, connections, and room for growth.

The forum supports members to share their experiences, feedback, and insights about what services do and what they should look like. This is one of the reasons why LEAF was previously awarded the Homeless Link Excellence Award in the "Stronger Voice" category.

If you have lived experience of homelessness and would like to contribute your insight to do better for people going through tough times, please get in contact and come along to a forum; you will be warmly welcomed.

Key functions & activities offered

LEAF is a forum that:

  • Is run by and for people with lived experience
  • Holds monthly meetings with open discussions, consultations on service provision, and workshops of ideas

LEAF offers its members:

  • The platform to use their experience, insight, and expertise to influence how support is designed and delivered
  • Opportunities to form new connections
  • Training and skills development
  • Opportunities to pursue issues they feel passionate about, with the support of LEAF


Barriers to housing report cover

"A study by Oxfordshire’s trailblazer forum for those with lived experience of homelessness is now published. The 16-page LEAF report explains key barriers for those who could benefit from soon moving out beyond the city."

You can find LEAF updates in LEAF Reports; or check the main LEAF and LEAF Activities pages on The Gatehouse's website.

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