Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership

Contact Details
Service Type
Other support services
Operating Hours
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-3pm
Service Description
OIEP are a county-wide group of employers, business, education, community groups and local government. They work together to create opportunities and benefits for all people within the county. They are one project of the wider Future Oxfordshire Partnership.
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Key functions & activities offered
They share knowledge, expertise and resources, and create links between different areas of work. They’re focused on four areas to deliver a vision:
- education
- employment
- social value & procurement, and
- place shaping
- support, grow or amplify the work of projects across Oxfordshire
- build a repository of resources, case studies and signposting to support organisations who want a more inclusive economy
- promote their vision through a Charter pledge—below
The OIEP Charter
This is a simple statement of a commitment to work towards a more inclusive local economy. By signing as a business or organisation, you can tell others that you strive to make workplaces more fair, so that these contribute directly to local communities.
The Charter has pledge options. You can tailor your choices for your organisation—and you may be doing some already:
• Support local and social economy
• Opportunities to work
• Recruit inclusively
• Improve training & educational attainment
• Sharing resources, skills & assets
• Provide fair wages
You can pledge for 12 months at a time. Sign up is easy. Even if you already do some pledges, they’d still love you to sign for all pledges that you will make for 2023, as this encourages others to do the same.
- Pledge online today
- Find out more about the pledges