Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
St Mungo's - Employment Support
St Mungo's

Service Type
Positive activities and help into employment
Funding Status
Independently funded
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm
Eligibility & Referral
See service description
Service Description
St Mungo's team of Employment Specialists support clients to identify, work towards and achieve their employment goals and ambitions.
St Mungo's know that employment can be supportive and, often, catalytic in someone's recovery from homelessness.
Eligibility note
St Mungo's have a zero-exclusion policy. All they ask is that you meet the following criteria:
• homeless or at risk of homelessness
• motivated to start work
• aged 18+
• right to work in the UK
You can either self-refer or ask your support worker to complete their referral form.
In both instances, please email them.
Key functions & activities offered
St Mungo's support clients who have expressed an interest in gaining employment. Their approach is based on a model of intervention called IPS (Individual Placement Support) which is an evidence-based approach that aims to help people find and retain employment.
Each client is supported by a highly trained Employment Specialist who provides 1:1 employment advice and coaching to help the client identify their experiences, strengths and capabilities. They then fully support the process of looking for and applying for work, including advice and guidance on how work affects benefits.
Once in work, they will continue to support the client for up to 3 months to help them settle in to the job.
St Mungo's services on this website:
- Oxford SPOT
- SSTS - Somewhere Safe To Stay
- St Mungo's - Employment Support
See also:
- General guidance
- Oxfordshire Homelessness Alliance