Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
General guidance
If you believe someone’s health is in immediate danger, please call 999.
If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, or you are concerned for yourself, contact an outreach team. Here's how.
Oxford outreach team
Call OxSPOT with details and location during office hours on 07590 862049 or outreach.oxford@mungos.org
Please note that OxSPOT is not an emergency service but will follow up all calls and emails as soon as possible.
Elsewhere in Oxfordshire
Contact Connection Support on 01865 711267 or outreach@connectionsupport.org.uk
About to lose your home? Worried about eviction?
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that your local council has duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.
See: "which district council should I contact?"
Your local council:
Oxford City Council - 01865 249811 or 0800 833408 out of hours
Cherwell District Council - 01295 753 751 or 01295 221 531 out of hours
South Oxfordshire District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 410 out of hours
Vale of White Horse District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 420 out of hours
West Oxfordshire District Council - 01993 861 000 and it is the same number out of hours
Once you have contacted your local council, please also consider:
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention
Connection Support - Housing Support
Connection Suppport - Benefits Specialist Service
Crisis Skylight - Housing Advice
See also
In every location in England, you can report a concern about someone rough sleeping through the StreetLink website.
If you have a bed in supported accommodation, please speak to your support worker.
"I need help with the cost of living"
How to help someone rough sleeping in Oxfordshire
Watch some short videos to find out more about the housing options in Oxford, your rights and obligations as a tenant and what to do if you are facing homelessness. Most of the information will apply to all local councils.
You will see this same General Guidance content repeated across our website in several places.
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