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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Aspire Oxfordshire

Aspire Oxfordshire

Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

Aspire Oxfordshire Address: St. Thomas School Osney Lane, Oxford - OX1 1NP
St. Thomas School Osney Lane, Oxford
Aspire Oxfordshire Phone Number: 01865 204450
01865 204450

Service Type

Employment, housing and personal development support

Operating Hours

8am-4pm, Mon-Fri

Service Description

Aspire is an employment and housing charity and social enterprise, working to empower marginalised people facing homelessness, poverty and disadvantage to address their unique needs, secure fulfilling employment and safe housing.

This is achieved through the following activities:

  • Employability development, social inclusion and community outreach projects, including to prisons, substance misuse recovery hubs, homeless pathway accommodation, bail hostels, Jobcentres, community centres and refugee projects. As of May 2019, Aspire offers an Enterprise Development Programme for individuals experiencing barriers to self-employment, and facilitate the government's new Kickstart Scheme to create accessible work placements for young people aged 16-24
  • Engaging with local employers through Aspire's Social Recruitment Enterprise, Hire2Inspire, to offer supported work experience placements, work trials and create meaningful paid opportunities for clients, including through delivering job fairs and recruitment and in-work support, encouraging open and inclusive recruitment across Oxfordshire

Key functions & activities offered

Aspire’s charitable and enterprise services include:

  • Housing-led support for adults and young people
  • Homelessness prevention support
  • Supporting individuals to get social, active, connected and inspired through social prescription wellbeing and digital connectivity projects
  • Education, training and employment support for adults, young people aged 17-24, people at risk - or with experience - of homelessness, people in drug or alcohol recovery, prison leavers, refugees and ESOL learners
  • Enterprise Development Programme for individuals facing barriers to starting their own businesses
  • Inclusive Recruitment Service, creating meaningful employment opportunities by matching the skills and needs of work-ready candidates and employers looking to be more inclusive in their recruitment practices

Aspire Oxfordshire's services on this website:

See also: