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I'm young and homeless

What to do:

Young and affected by homelessness?

If you believe someone’s health is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, or you are concerned for yourself, contact an outreach team. Here's how.

Oxford outreach team

Call OxSPOT with details and location during office hours on 07590 862049 or email on Outreach.Oxford@mungos.org

Please note that OxSPOT is not an emergency service but will follow up all calls and emails as soon as possible.

Elsewhere in Oxfordshire

Contact Connection Support on 01865 711267 or outreach@connectionsupport.org.uk

Worried about eviction?

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that your local council has duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.

"Which district council should I contact?"

Your local council:

Oxford City Council - 01865 249811 or 0800 833408 out of hours

Cherwell District Council - 01295 753 751 or 01295 221 531 out of hours

South Oxfordshire District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 410 out of hours

Vale of White Horse District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 420 out of hours

West Oxfordshire District Council - 01993 861 000 and it is the same number out of hours


See also

In every location in England, you can report a concern about someone rough sleeping through the StreetLink website.

If you have a bed in supported accommodation, please speak to your support worker.

"I need help with the cost of living"

"How to help someone rough sleeping in Oxfordshire"

About YPSA - young people's supported accommodation services in Oxfordshire

Young people at risk of homelessness are provided with high quality accommodation while being supported to develop their independent living skills, find employment, or gain education or training.

YPSA eligibility

You can’t directly apply for this service. Referrals must be made through a Social Worker. Please contact Oxfordshire Social Services on 01865 792422 for more information about referrals.

Referral forms are normally completed by social workers, "leaving care personal assistants", district council housing officers or other statutory agencies. These forms are emailed to placementserviceadmin@oxfordshire.gov.uk or via LCS for OCC staff.

Upon entering the service, young people will be allocated a YPSA worker to support them alongside other professionals. They will work as a team to support the young person while they are in the service and there will be a clear action plan in place.

The full information about YPSA and how it works is available from Oxfordshire County Council.

YPSA is offered by:

A2Dominion - see: vulnerable young people (external link)

Connection Support YPSA service (external link)


Oxford Human Capital (external link)

Oxfordshire Youth

Response YPSA service

St Mungo's - Somewhere Safe To Stay. SSTS is for 18+


Other services for young people

Elmore help with tenancies for anyone 18+. Oxfordshire Mind have a Children, Young People and Families service. Banbury has its own Young Homeless Project—BYHP.

Below we list everything on our record from the above named places, plus any others who should be able to offer some kind of help.

We are working to improve this answer. Please bear with us.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I've been abused and need support

What to do:

Abuse can take many forms.

Rape or sexual assault

Survivor Space Oxfordshire

Survivor Space (formerly OSARCC—Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre) is the only organisation providing specialist, accredited help to survivors of sexual violence in Oxfordshire.

They work with survivors aged 14 and above, who have experienced rape, sexual abuse, or any other form of sexual violence—whether it was experienced recently, in the past, or as children.

If you have recently been raped or sexually assaulted, you can visit a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) for medical and practical support.

Please note that Survivor Space is not a SARC and does not perform forensic medical examinations. 

The majority of their services are open to self-identifying women and girls, and non-binary individuals recorded female at birth. Their advocacy service supports survivors of all genders.


You can access face to face support, including counselling and support groups, by referring yourself.

You can refer clients or get confidential advice and signposting by making a referral online.

If you're struggling to make a referral, please get in touch at referrals@survivorspace.org.uk or call them at 01865 725311.



SARCs can be found throughout the UK. Read more about what a SARC can be used for. See the NHS website and find a centre. 


Thames Valley Sarc Bicester

Solace Centre, Police House, Queens Avenue, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 2NT

0800 970 9952 - 24/7 helpline

Map and directions


Swindon And Wiltshire Sarc

The Gables, Shrivenham Road, South Marston, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 4RB

01793 781916 Day, 01793 781917 out of hours

Map and directions


Rape Crisis England & Wales

The national service Rape Crisis England & Wales has lots of helpful information, including what to do if something happened recently, and how to find support in your area.

They also have:

- 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line: 247sexualabusesupport.org.uk or call 0808 500 2222

- specific help about support for men and boys who are victims of sexual violence or abuse


Domestic abuse

Contact ODAS

ODAS is the Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service—run by A2Dominion.

ODAS has been providing support for victims of domestic abuse for over 10 years in Oxfordshire. They are committed to empowering females and males in an abusive relationship, irrespective of sexuality or ethnicity, to make their own choices. The priority is to help victims and their children feel safe whether or not they choose to leave the relationship. 

The services mentioned on this page may not be emergency services. If you are in danger or need urgent medical attention, call 999.



Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors (IDVAs) support high risk domestic abuse cases. Access is through a referral once assessed as high-risk by a professional. IDVAs also support high risk male victim survivors, but all work is on a 1:1 basis. See the "Reducing the Risk" information portal below for the contact details. The IDVA Service is commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council. 


Respect Domestic Abuse Advice Line for Men

Useful website and Freephone 0808 8010 327


National Domestic Abuse Helpline

The national domestic abuse helpline has a website with very useful signposting and a free helpline number. 

Call 0808 2000 247


LGBTQ+ Support

Galop's helpline is for LGBT+ people experiencing abuse or violence, such as hate crime, domestic abuse, sexual violence, so-called “conversion therapy” or any other kind of abuse. See their website, call 0800 999 5428 or email help@galop.org.uk There is also a webchat on the website.


Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse can be a criminal offense. Reporting it to the police brings visibility to the problem and helps them address it. Having a case number may help you in repeat cases. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls. 

Report a crime

Call 101 or report it online.


Help for perpetrators

The Respect phone line is for domestic violence perpetrators. Choose to stop. 0808 8024 040 or email info@respectphoneline.org.uk


See also

Reducing the Risk information portal

General guidance

"I need a shower and clothing" (For recent sexual abuse, see the NHS website and find a SARC centre first.)

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need help for women only

What to do:

For women-only services and help.

Support after abuse

See the guidance: "I've been abused and need support"


Read our general guidance and get a referral from OxSPOT or Connection Support so you can ask to access housing. Example housing available for women only includes the following:



Offer: a women-only house

Spaces: 5

Description: When you join the women's project, you get help to feel better and grow your confidence. You can take pride in your living space and build strong friendships. You will also learn to help around the house, join the housing register, keep up with payments, and register with services like a doctor and dentist. The project will connect you with Turning Point and help you find work or training opportunities.

Contact: april@aspireoxford.co.uk

Referrals: referrals@aspireoxford.co.uk



Offer: a female-only cluster within Matilda House—there are men in the same building

Spaces: 3

Description: Matilda House is a specially built unit for people who have experienced homelessness and have a connection to Oxford City.

When you join, you get help with mental health issues or addictions. There is support to keep your space clean and improve your social life. Each guest has a named support worker, and the level of support is agreed upon with you. There are also day trips for everyone.

Contact: MatildaHouse@a2dominion.co.uk

Referrals: Referrals are accepted from local councils, prison/probation, and Adult homeless pathway services in Oxfordshire.


Connection Support

Offer: a property for women only who have a "no recourse to public funds"—NRPF—status

Spaces: 2

Description: Set up by OHM in partnership with Connection Support, Aspire, Asylum Welcome, Edge Housing and Soha. 

Contact: EvaBrown@connectionsupport.org.uk

Referrals: nrpf@connectionsupport.org.uk


Edge Housing

Offer: a women-only house for people with varied needs

Spaces: 3

Description: You’ll get help to build self-esteem, resilience, and support networks, aiming for recovery, employment, and moving to your own place. This is done through one-to-one and group work, house meetings, and guidance. Edge supports you for as long as you want, even after you leave.

Contact: info@edgehousing.org

Referrals: through support workers who will contact Edge on their behalf.


Homeless Oxfordshire 

Offer: women's only housing project

Spaces: 5

Description: Support is available 9am-5pm Mon-Fri, with on-call help 24/7.

Everyone's needs are different, so support is tailored individually. This can include healthcare, addiction support, therapy, or accessing benefits.

Skilled support workers, many with lived experience of homelessness, build trusting relationships with residents and support them throughout their journey.

Homeless Oxfordshire also offers options for women experiencing homelessness with support and accommodation in various mixed-gender projects like O’Hanlon House, Mawle Court, Project 41, The Vineyard, Step-Up and Step-Down, and the Sapling project.

Contact: info@homelessoxfordshire.uk

Referrals: through the access panel or through health colleagues for Sapling and the Step-Up and Step-Down projects.


Oxfordshire Mind

Offer: women only housing available at Micklewood House, Sunnyside and in flats. Staffed 9am-5pm with on-call support evenings and weekends

Spaces: 7 rooms (Micklewood), plus others

Description: Support is available for women with serious mental health issues, often after hospital stays, and those experiencing homelessness, including those with addiction issues.

Smaller projects house women in unstaffed properties. Sunnyside is a women-only house. Other properties offer one-bedroom flats. Larger projects provide mixed-gender accommodation.

Contact: referrals@oxfordshiremind.org.uk

Referrals: through a hospital or organisations within the homeless pathway. Specify on the form that a female only house is wanted. Applicants generally require a local connection to Oxfordshire. A care plan and risk assessment should be added to the referral form for an assessment to take place.



Offer: women only housing 

Spaces: 5

Description: Willow House offers a safe and empowering space with supported living accommodation. The aim is to improve health, resilience, and life chances. Activities include cooking, exercise, computer support, music, arts, crafts, and gardening, tailored to residents' interests.

Assistance with daily tasks, mental health support, and access to local services is available. Friends and family can visit but not stay overnight.

The project team, trained by the NHS Oxford Complex Needs Service, helps residents manage the service and set personal goals. There's a move-on plan within 18 months.

Contact: Referral Coordinator team 01865 397951

Referrals: use the Referral Form for OMHP—Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership—and send this and supporting paperwork to referrals@response.org.uk  

Non-emergency help

Asylum seekers and refugees

See the guidance: "I have no local connection"

See the guidance: "I am a homeless EU national"

Please note Refugee Resource run separate services for women.


Amenities such as laundry services and showers

The Gatehouse - clothing, showers, refreshments, toiletries. Also events and groups for women—see diary below. Also on offer is one-to-one support with a case worker, referrals to The Gatehouse counselling service. sarah@oxfordgatehouse.org

OWNS + St Mungo's - laundry services, showers, arts activities—see diary below. Provides a safe space for women to come and relax, chat and find support in a relaxed setting. phoebe.allmond@mungos.org


OWCC—Oxfordshire Women's Counselling Centre. Rates depend on circumstances.


Drug addiction, recovery from addiction in general

Turning Point offer a range of services for women only. Some of these are at Vintage Refresh Cafe on Cowley Road. Others are at Banbury Hub or elsewhere.

See the diary below. Ask about a "Freedom Programme" quarterly.

There is also care planning as part of community drug and alcohol treatment, home visits and sessions at places including O'Hanlon House / Somewhere Safe To Stay, Connection Support, A2Dominion Matilda House and Edge Housing.

There are direct links with Eastwood Park for on-release help.

Contact Turning Point.

There are also specific women's sessions with Alcoholics Anonymous.


Sexual health

Turning Point give advice on safer sex and contraceptive implants to Turning Point service users.

decorative image

Diary for women
Column for activity, and rows for days of the week.

Little Miss Mondays




Little Miss Monday

Women's Only NA Meeting from Turning Point's Vintage Refresh Cafe. 11am-12pm. For contact details, see daily services


Turning Point + National Probation Service sessions for women involved in the criminal justice system, at Oxford Probation Office, and in Witney.


Women's Only Safe Space (18+)

From The Gatehouse. Meet like minded women, chat and develop activities. 2-4pm.

Showers, clothing, toiletries, refreshments, hygiene products provided. Caseworker will be on site to offer support and they can refer to their in-house counsellor if required. sarah@oxfordgatehouse.org


Women's Recovery Network Drop-in Group

From Turning Point's Vintage Refresh Cafe. Women supporting women in recovery. 10am-12.30pm. For contact details, see daily services

women's recovery network

Build a supportive network for women in the recovery community. Empower each other, gain self-esteem, build confidence, practice self-care, and have a safe space to talk.

Open to all Turning Point service users in Oxfordshire and the wider recovery community, at any stage of recovery. The group offers peer support and activities like crochet, macrame, decoupage, board games, and chatting to promote self-esteem and new friendships. Staff provide emotional and practical support. 

Open to all, moving away from offending and substance use. No appointment needed. Coffee, tea, and cake are always available!

decorative image

Women's Group at The Living Room with St Mungo's

Referral is through St Mungo's only. See contact details.


Women's Group at Turning Point Banbury Hub

12.30-1.30pm, 2nd Floor, Banbury Health Centre, OX16 5QD
01295 225 544

SundayHairdressing available one Sunday per month, 4-6pm at The Gatehouse. Contact the office for dates. (This is not women only.)


See also

General guidance

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I'm hungry

What to do:

Hungry? Access daily services

You can get free or cheap food at Daily Service venues. Some venues also offer showers and free, clean clothes. Please take a look at our summary of Daily Services for Oxfordshire which shows exactly who is open and when. All of our guidance about food provision is now on the Daily Services page.

See also

General guidance


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need help with cost of living

What to do:

Cost of living helped by Oxfordshire Residents Support SchemeFor cost of living help in Oxfordshire, there is now a Support Scheme. This helps with basic costs like food, credit for gas, electric metres. It might also help with white goods, furniture and clothing. It is for one-off crisis needs. It is not for ongoing expenses.

Apply for Residents Support Scheme with Oxfordshire County Council

See also Cost of Living Payments for Low-Income Residents offered by County Council (November, 2023)


Cost of living in general

Our partners have all reacted to the deepening cost-of-living crisis. Everyone wants to ensure that people can easily access the help and advice they need. For general advice on where you can get support concerning the cost-of-living visit Citizens Advice or the UK government advice page. Shelter have some useful general tips. There is also some SOHA guidance on what you are fully entitled to, contacting your utility company, keeping warm and who can help in your area. Though it's not a local service, NIDirect's helpful Universal Credit Explained videos help you understand more about this benefit. The videos can also help you make your claim for Universal Credit online.

Cost of living - local advice

Oxfordshire County Council has a dedicated section on their website about local cost of living support.

Your local council offers help and or advice with the cost of living. If you are not sure which district you are in, please use the link at the top of this list first:

Which district council should I contact?

I am worried about the cost of living in:

Oxford City


South Oxfordshire

Vale of White Horse

West Oxfordshire

Find more advice on specific issues below.


I can’t afford food

We’ve listed all links and information about food provision in one place: Daily Services shows exactly who is open and when across Oxfordshire. You can also check out the free and low-cost food options in Oxford listed by Oxford City Council, and the free or subsidised food within Oxfordshire map and database provided by Good Food Oxford, Feeding the Gaps, and the city council.


I can’t afford my rent

If you’re worried about losing your home, you should get advice as early as possible. See eviction risk advice to learn more.

If you’re in danger of losing your home and want to gain control over your finances and housing then you can contact Connection Support's Housing Support Team.

Shelter can help you understand your rights and get the support you need with Private Renting, Eviction, Mortgage Repossession, Tenancy Deposits and Council Housing.

If you are a permanent council house tenant in Oxford, you can seek help with managing your tenancy from the council's Tenancy Sustainment Team.

For general advice visit the UK’s largest tenant support community, The Tenants’ Voice.


I’m in debt

For confidential and independent advice on dealing with debt in the UK, you can call or visit the National Debt line on 0808 808 4000.


StepChange Debt Charity helps people in financial difficulty by providing free, confidential, independent and realistic debt advice. Helpline: 0800 138 1111

Citizens Advice Oxford may have suggestions. Their website includes the topics bankruptcy, budgeting , getting financial advice, debt management plans and a debt remedy tool. Phone: 0808 278 7909 Email: use their web form.


I can’t afford my bills

To find out what steps you can take if you’re struggling to pay energy bills you can visit Citizens Advice.

For advice on saving energy visit the government's website or call 0800 444 202.

To know how to spot an energy scam visit Energy Saving Trust.

If you are an individual, small business, nursery or school within the Vale of White Horse district you can apply for the Wantage & Grove Energy Support Fund.


I need other advice

For free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information, get in touch with Citizens Advice. The Oxford branch can be reached by phone: 0808 278 7909, email and online web chat, or see our list of Citizens' Advice Branches—under the heading 'key functions'.


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need to get online

What to do:

Getting Oxfordshire Online may be a good place to start.

Oxfordshire County Council welcomes everyone to all of their 44 libraries. It is free to join.

Some daily services can help.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need accommodation in very cold weather

What to do:

In very cold weather, if you don't have a local connection to Oxfordshire or don't meet the requirements for housing services, you can still access a SWEP—emergency—bed.


If your health or someone else’s is in immediate danger, please call 999.

Cold weather SWEP Across Oxfordshire

People outside Oxford who want a SWEP bed should ask Connection Support (see below) before 5pm. State:

  • full name,
  • date of birth,
  • which local council they / you come from (if any)
  • any support needs or concerns

If nobody answers the call, call back later or leave a brief answerphone message with name and phone number ONLY. After 5pm, refer to each local authority's out of hours phone numbers (as listed in our general guidance). The duty service will be aware that SWEP is activated and consideration will be given on a case by case basis.

This winter Oxfordshire's district councils have all agreed to do SWEP joined up county wide. However, SWEP may be open if for example snow is forecast in just one part of the county.

Cold weather SWEP for Oxford City

Contact St Mungo's - OxSPOT—see below—before 5pm. State full name, date of birth and any support needs. If nobody answers, call back later or leave a brief answerphone message with name and phone number ONLY. After 5pm—or if you / the person did not get identified during the day—go to O’Hanlon House between 11pm and midnight to ask for a bed. 

In addition to SWEP provision, OWNS also offer beds in the winter night shelter from 1st January to 31st March for those rough sleeping around the city. As with other venues, access is by referral.

See also

General guidance

"Cold weather SWEP explained"

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.


I need help with my mental health

What to do:

Mental health help

Do you need to talk to someone right now?

Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Call 116 123 for free

Need local and urgent help?

There is help from OMHP on what to do in a mental health crisis

For anything less urgent

If your need is less immediate there are numerous contacts that can help and support you. See below. Please note that some of these are not health professionals. If in any doubt, consult your doctor or refer to Luther Street Medical Centre.

To find out more about OMHP see their booklet or click them in the list below. Question not answered? Check the other services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need help for my dog

What to do:

A dog is man’s (or woman’s!) best friend and if you are living on the streets, it is great to know that there are people that can help keep your friend fit and healthy.

The organisations below offer free of charge help for dogs that live on the streets with their owners.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I am worried about someone sleeping rough

What to do:

General guidance

If you believe someone’s health is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, or you are concerned for yourself, contact an outreach team. Here's how.

Oxford outreach team

Call OxSPOT with details and location during office hours on 07590 862049 or email on Outreach.Oxford@mungos.org

Please note that OxSPOT is not an emergency service but will follow up all calls and emails as soon as possible.

Elsewhere in Oxfordshire

Contact Connection Support on 01865 711267 or outreach@connectionsupport.org.uk

About to lose your home? Worried about eviction?

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that your local council has duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.

Which district council should I contact?

Your local council:

Oxford City Council - 01865 249811 or 0800 833408 out of hours

Cherwell District Council - 01295 753 751 or 01295 221 531 out of hours

South Oxfordshire District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 410 out of hours

Vale of White Horse District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 420 out of hours

West Oxfordshire District Council - 01993 861 000 and it is the same number out of hours


Once you have contacted your local council, please also consider:

Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention

Connection Support - Housing Support

Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service

Crisis Skylight - Housing Advice


See also

In every location in England, you can report a concern about someone rough sleeping through the StreetLink website.

If you have a bed in supported accommodation, please speak to your support worker.

"I need help with the cost of living"

"How to help someone rough sleeping in Oxfordshire"

I need help

I want to help

This same general guidance page is repeated across our website.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need help with training and employment

What to do:

If you need help with education, training or your search for employment, all of the services below may be able to offer you help and advice.

See also

General guidance


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I have no local connection

What to do:

You can use local daily services whenever available, and emergency beds during the winter.

You may be able to find a bed through services that aren't funded by the council, such as ACT, Aspire and Edge Housing. If you are a refugee, you could try Refugees at Home.

(At the moment, you need a local connection to access council-funded supported accommodation.)

If you have no local connection you can approach any local authority to ask for help. 

See also

General guidance

"I need accommodation in very cold weather"

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need ID

What to do:

You don’t have to have ID to use all services. If you need help obtaining ID, one of the organisations below may be able to help you.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I'm cold

What to do:

Daily services

You can get warm at daily service venues. Some offer showers and free, clean clothes. Please take a look at our summary of daily services in Oxfordshire which shows exactly who is open and when.


See also

General guidance

I need accommodation in very cold weather



Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need medical care

What to do:

If you don't have a doctor you can register with Luther Street Medical Centre. Luther Street give medical care to people experiencing homelessness.

Their Centre is not an emergency service.

The British Red Cross support line provides support in more than 200 languages to people who are lonely, worried and finding it difficult to access food or medication in the UK. Phone: 0808 196 3651

If your health or someone else’s is in immediate danger, please call 999.

The most up to date information on and guidance about coronavirus can be found on the NHS website.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I have no money

What to do:

If you have no money, check the services listed below. Connection Support have a specialist service about Benefits. If you need to claim welfare benefits, ask at Citizen's Advice, a local advice centre, or one of the daily services

Though it's not a local service, NIDirect's helpful Universal Credit Explained videos help you understand more about this benefit. They can also help you make your claim for Universal Credit online.

Turn2us is a national financial security charity offering practical support to help people gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services. Phone: 0808 802 2000. Visit Turn2us


See also

General guidance

"I am about to be evicted"

"I need help with the cost of living"

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need a shower and clothing

What to do:

You can get warm, shower, change your clothing and get free or cheap food at day services at The Porch.

The Gatehouse Café in St Giles Parish Rooms—and Oxford Companions, in the same venue Saturdays—also provide showers at certain times and a safe and welcoming place to eat and get clothes; and there are a number of other providers of food and clothing listed below.

Some student and community groups also provide clothes directly to people on the streets.

See also

Daily services

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I am a homeless EU national

What to do:

If youre an EU national, homeless and not working, you may not have the right to claim benefits or housing in the UK.

  1. You may find it useful to contact Refugees at Home about your case.
  2. You can use daily services when these are available, access emergency accommodation during the winter, and get medical help from Luther Street: all of these are listed below.
  3. If youre not entitled to benefits or housing, outreach teams may be able to help you return home if you want to, or link you in with services who can help you into, or back into, work.

See also

General guidance

"I need accommodation in very cold weather"


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I've left prison and need help

What to do:

If you've left prison and need help, your first port of call should be the local authority.

Find your local authority.

You may want to check the services below, who may also be able to help.


General guidance

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I need help with my addiction

What to do:

Addiction in general

Please speak to your support worker if you have one. If your health or someone else’s is in immediate danger, please call 999.

Are you on drugs?

Talk to FRANK.

For all other help, check the contacts listed below.

See also

General guidance

Alcohol Brief Intervention

Find an AA meeting


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I am about to be evicted

What to do:

If you’re worried about losing your home, you should get advice as early as possible.

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that your local council has duties to prevent and relieve homelessness. 

Not sure which district you are in? Please use the top link first:

"Which district council should I contact?"

I am worried about being evicted:

...in Oxford City

...in Cherwell

...in South Oxfordshire

...in Vale of White Horse

...in West Oxfordshire

Once you have contacted your local council, please also consider:

Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention

Connection Support - Housing Support

Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service

Crisis Skylight - Housing Advice

See also:

"I need help with the cost of living"

General guidance - includes phone numbers

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I can't find my question

What to do:

We want to hear from you if you’ve got a question that’s not answered here. We will try and respond as soon as possible and will use your feedback to improve the site. Please get in touch or drop us a line on social media.

I need somewhere to sleep

What to do:

Need somewhere to sleep? You need to be verified by the relevant outreach teams before you can access most beds and services funded by councils. 

Oxford outreach team

Call OxSPOT with details and location during office hours on 07590 862049 or email on Outreach.Oxford@mungos.org

Please note that OxSPOT is not an emergency service but will follow up all calls and emails as soon as possible.

Elsewhere in Oxfordshire

Contact Connection Support on 01865 711267 or outreach@connectionsupport.org.uk

About to lose your home? Worried about eviction?

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 means that your local council has duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.

"Which district council should I contact?"

Your local council:

Oxford City Council - 01865 249811 or 0800 833408 out of hours

Cherwell District Council - 01295 753 751 or 01295 221 531 out of hours

South Oxfordshire District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 410 out of hours

Vale of White Horse District Council - 01235 422 452 or 01235 422 420 out of hours

West Oxfordshire District Council - 01993 861 000 and it is the same number out of hours

Once you have contacted your local council, please also consider:

Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention

Connection Support - Housing Support

Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service

Crisis Skylight - Housing Advice

See also

In every location in England, you can report a concern about someone rough sleeping through the StreetLink website.

If you have a bed in supported accommodation, please speak to your support worker.

"I need help with the cost of living"

"How to help someone rough sleeping in Oxfordshire"

I need help

I want to help

This same general guidance page is repeated across our website.

You may also want to check the organisations listed below for help, or access the daily services.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.


Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - Cherwell: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Migrant Help - EUSS Advice: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts money Accepts money


Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Botley Bikers: Accepts time Accepts time
Botley Bikers: Accepts things Accepts things
Botley Bikers: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Shelter: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Shelter: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Shelter: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Shelter: Accepts time Accepts time
Shelter: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Shelter: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Libraries: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxfordshire Libraries: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Libraries: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Libraries: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxfordshire Libraries: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Libraries: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Mindful Refuge: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Mindful Refuge: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Mindful Refuge: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Mindful Refuge: Accepts time Accepts time
Mindful Refuge: Accepts things Accepts things
Mindful Refuge: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - Benefits Specialist Service: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Good Food Oxfordshire : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts time Accepts time
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts things Accepts things
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Accepts money Accepts money


Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts things Accepts things
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts money Accepts money


Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts time Accepts time
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts things Accepts things
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts money Accepts money


Refugees at Home: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Refugees at Home: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Refugees at Home: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Refugees at Home: Accepts time Accepts time
Refugees at Home: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Refugees at Home: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Alice's Tea Party: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Alice's Tea Party: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Alice's Tea Party: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Alice's Tea Party: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Alice's Tea Party: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Alice's Tea Party: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


St Mungo's - Employment Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


St Mungo's - Employment Support: Accepts time Accepts time
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Sanctuary Hosting : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Sanctuary Hosting : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Sanctuary Hosting : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Sanctuary Hosting : Accepts time Accepts time
Sanctuary Hosting : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Sanctuary Hosting : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Connection Support - Housing Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Housing Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Housing Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Response Organisation: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Response Organisation: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Response Organisation: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Response Organisation: Accepts time Accepts time
Response Organisation: Accepts things Accepts things
Response Organisation: Accepts money Accepts money


Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Provides guidance Provides guidance
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxfordshire Mind: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Mind: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Mind: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxfordshire Mind: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Mind: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Mind: Accepts money Accepts money


Edge Housing: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Edge Housing: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Edge Housing: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Edge Housing: Accepts time Accepts time
Edge Housing: Accepts things Accepts things
Edge Housing: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Youth: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Youth: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Youth: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts money Accepts money


Job Centre Plus: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Job Centre Plus: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Job Centre Plus: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Job Centre Plus: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Job Centre Plus: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Job Centre Plus: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Emmaus : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Emmaus : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Emmaus : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Emmaus : Accepts time Accepts time
Emmaus : Accepts things Accepts things
Emmaus : Accepts money Accepts money


OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


OWNS - The Living Room: Accepts time Accepts time
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
OWNS - The Living Room: Accepts money Accepts money


Read Easy Oxford: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Read Easy Oxford: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Read Easy Oxford: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Read Easy Oxford: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Read Easy Oxford: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Read Easy Oxford: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Luther Street Medical Centre : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Luther Street Medical Centre : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Only a Pavement Away: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Only a Pavement Away: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


BYHP: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
BYHP: Provides guidance Provides guidance
BYHP: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


BYHP: Accepts time Accepts time
BYHP: Accepts things Accepts things
BYHP: Accepts money Accepts money


Crisis Skylight Oxford: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Crisis Skylight Oxford: Accepts time Accepts time
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Accepts money Accepts money


Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Salvation Army Banbury: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Salvation Army Banbury: Accepts time Accepts time
Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Salvation Army Banbury: Accepts money Accepts money


Restore: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Restore: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Restore: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Restore: Accepts time Accepts time
Restore: Accepts things Accepts things
Restore: Accepts money Accepts money


Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Witney Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Witney Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Winter Night Shelter: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Vineyard : Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts money Accepts money


Adapt Oxford: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Adapt Oxford: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Adapt Oxford: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Adapt Oxford: Accepts time Accepts time
Adapt Oxford: Accepts things Accepts things
Adapt Oxford: Accepts money Accepts money


Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts things Accepts things
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts money Accepts money


RAW Workshop : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
RAW Workshop : Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
RAW Workshop : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Connection Support - Supported Housing: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Supported Housing: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Accepts money Accepts money


Elmore Community Services : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Elmore Community Services : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Elmore Community Services : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Elmore Community Services : Accepts time Accepts time
Elmore Community Services : Accepts things Accepts things
Elmore Community Services : Accepts money Accepts money


Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Dogs on the Streets: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Dogs on the Streets: Accepts time Accepts time
Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Dogs on the Streets: Accepts money Accepts money


Getting Oxfordshire Online: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts time Accepts time
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts things Accepts things
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts money Accepts money


Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Narcotics Anonymous: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Narcotics Anonymous: Accepts time Accepts time
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Porch Day Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Porch Day Centre: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


The Porch Day Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Porch Day Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Open Door Breakfast Club: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Open Door Breakfast Club: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Open Door Breakfast Club: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Open Door Breakfast Club: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Open Door Breakfast Club: Accepts things Accepts things
Open Door Breakfast Club: Accepts money Accepts money


Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Barton Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Barton Advice Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Barton Advice Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


Asylum Welcome: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Asylum Welcome: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Asylum Welcome: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Asylum Welcome: Accepts time Accepts time
Asylum Welcome: Accepts things Accepts things
Asylum Welcome: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Safe Haven: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Safe Haven: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts things Accepts things
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts things Accepts things
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts money Accepts money


StreetLink: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
StreetLink: Provides guidance Provides guidance
StreetLink: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


StreetLink: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
StreetLink: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
StreetLink: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Arts at the Old Fire Station: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts time Accepts time
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts things Accepts things
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts money Accepts money


ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides shelter Provides shelter
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides guidance Provides guidance
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Accepts money Accepts money


The Big Issue Group: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Big Issue Group: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Big Issue Group: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


The Big Issue Group: Accepts time Accepts time
The Big Issue Group: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Big Issue Group: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts money Accepts money


The Gatehouse Community Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts things Accepts things
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Student Union : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Student Union : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Student Union : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Student Union : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Student Union : Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Student Union : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts time Accepts time
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts things Accepts things
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts money Accepts money


Refugee Resource: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Refugee Resource: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Refugee Resource: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Refugee Resource: Accepts time Accepts time
Refugee Resource: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Refugee Resource: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Companions of the Order of Malta: Accepts money Accepts money


Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Together Through Homelessness: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Together Through Homelessness: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Hub: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Hub: Accepts money Accepts money


YPSA: Provides shelter Provides shelter
YPSA: Provides guidance Provides guidance
YPSA: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


YPSA: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
YPSA: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
YPSA: Accepts money Accepts money


Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Alcoholics Anonymous : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Alcoholics Anonymous : Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts money Accepts money


Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts time Accepts time
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts things Accepts things
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts money Accepts money


St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Provides guidance Provides guidance
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Accepts time Accepts time
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Accepts money Accepts money


Greater Change: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Greater Change: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Greater Change: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Greater Change: Accepts time Accepts time
Greater Change: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Greater Change: Accepts money Accepts money