For women-only services and help.
Support after abuse
See the guidance: "I've been abused and need support"
Read our general guidance and get a referral from OxSPOT or Connection Support so you can ask to access housing. Example housing available for women only includes the following:
Offer: a women-only house
Spaces: 5
Description: When you join the women's project, you get help to feel better and grow your confidence. You can take pride in your living space and build strong friendships. You will also learn to help around the house, join the housing register, keep up with payments, and register with services like a doctor and dentist. The project will connect you with Turning Point and help you find work or training opportunities.
Offer: a female-only cluster within Matilda House—there are men in the same building
Spaces: 3
Description: Matilda House is a specially built unit for people who have experienced homelessness and have a connection to Oxford City.
When you join, you get help with mental health issues or addictions. There is support to keep your space clean and improve your social life. Each guest has a named support worker, and the level of support is agreed upon with you. There are also day trips for everyone.
Referrals: Referrals are accepted from local councils, prison/probation, and Adult homeless pathway services in Oxfordshire.
Offer: a property for women only who have a "no recourse to public funds"—NRPF—status
Spaces: 2
Description: Set up by OHM in partnership with Connection Support, Aspire, Asylum Welcome, Edge Housing and Soha.
Offer: a women-only house for people with varied needs
Spaces: 3
Description: You’ll get help to build self-esteem, resilience, and support networks, aiming for recovery, employment, and moving to your own place. This is done through one-to-one and group work, house meetings, and guidance. Edge supports you for as long as you want, even after you leave.
Referrals: self-referrals through Roisin Heritage, Recovery Lead. Please contact Roisin by phone or email on 01865 297460 or
Offer: women's only housing project
Spaces: 5
Description: Support is available 9am-5pm Mon-Fri, with on-call help 24/7.
Everyone's needs are different, so support is tailored individually. This can include healthcare, addiction support, therapy, or accessing benefits.
Skilled support workers, many with lived experience of homelessness, build trusting relationships with residents and support them throughout their journey.
Homeless Oxfordshire also offers options for women experiencing homelessness with support and accommodation in various mixed-gender projects like O’Hanlon House, Mawle Court, Project 41, The Vineyard, Step-Up and Step-Down, and the Sapling project.
Referrals: through the access panel or through health colleagues for Sapling and the Step-Up and Step-Down projects.
Offer: women only housing available at Micklewood House, Sunnyside and in flats. Staffed 9am-5pm with on-call support evenings and weekends
Spaces: 7 rooms (Micklewood), plus others
Description: Support is available for women with serious mental health issues, often after hospital stays, and those experiencing homelessness, including those with addiction issues.
Smaller projects house women in unstaffed properties. Sunnyside is a women-only house. Other properties offer one-bedroom flats. Larger projects provide mixed-gender accommodation.
Referrals: through a hospital or organisations within the homeless pathway. Specify on the form that a female only house is wanted. Applicants generally require a local connection to Oxfordshire. A care plan and risk assessment should be added to the referral form for an assessment to take place.
Offer: women only housing
Spaces: 5
Description: Willow House offers a safe and empowering space with supported living accommodation. The aim is to improve health, resilience, and life chances. Activities include cooking, exercise, computer support, music, arts, crafts, and gardening, tailored to residents' interests.
Assistance with daily tasks, mental health support, and access to local services is available. Friends and family can visit but not stay overnight.
The project team, trained by the NHS Oxford Complex Needs Service, helps residents manage the service and set personal goals. There's a move-on plan within 18 months.
Contact: Referral Coordinator team 01865 397951
Referrals: use the Referral Form for OMHP—Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership—and send this and supporting paperwork to
Non-emergency help
Asylum seekers and refugees
See the guidance: "I have no local connection"
See the guidance: "I am a homeless EU national"
Please note Refugee Resource run separate services for women.
Amenities such as laundry services and showers
The Gatehouse - clothing, showers, refreshments, toiletries. Also events and groups for women—see diary below. Also on offer is one-to-one support with a case worker, referrals to The Gatehouse counselling service.
OWNS + St Mungo's - laundry services, showers, arts activities—see diary below. Provides a safe space for women to come and relax, chat and find support in a relaxed setting.
OWCC—Oxfordshire Women's Counselling Centre. Rates depend on circumstances.
Drug addiction, recovery from addiction in general
Turning Point offer a range of services for women only. Some of these are at Vintage Refresh Cafe on Cowley Road. Others are at Banbury Hub or elsewhere.
See the diary below. Ask about a "Freedom Programme" quarterly.
There is also care planning as part of community drug and alcohol treatment, home visits and sessions at places including O'Hanlon House / Somewhere Safe To Stay, Connection Support, A2Dominion Matilda House and Edge Housing.
There are direct links with Eastwood Park for on-release help.
Contact Turning Point.
There are also specific women's sessions with Alcoholics Anonymous.
Sexual health
Turning Point give advice on safer sex and contraceptive implants to Turning Point service users.

Diary for women
Column for activity, and rows for days of the week. | Activity |
Monday | Women's Only NA Meeting from Turning Point's Vintage Refresh Cafe. 11am-12pm. For contact details, see daily services Turning Point + National Probation Service sessions for women involved in the criminal justice system, at Oxford Probation Office, and in Witney. |
Tuesday | Women's Only Safe Space (18+) From The Gatehouse. Meet like minded women, chat and develop activities. 2-4pm. Showers, clothing, toiletries, refreshments, hygiene products provided. Caseworker will be on site to offer support and they can refer to their in-house counsellor if required. Women's Recovery Network Drop-in Group From Turning Point's Vintage Refresh Cafe. Women supporting women in recovery. 10am-12.30pm. For contact details, see daily services 
Build a supportive network for women in the recovery community. Empower each other, gain self-esteem, build confidence, practice self-care, and have a safe space to talk. Open to all Turning Point service users in Oxfordshire and the wider recovery community, at any stage of recovery. The group offers peer support and activities like crochet, macrame, decoupage, board games, and chatting to promote self-esteem and new friendships. Staff provide emotional and practical support. Open to all, moving away from offending and substance use. No appointment needed. Coffee, tea, and cake are always available!  |
Wednesday | Women's Group at The Living Room with St Mungo's Referral is through St Mungo's only. See contact details. |
Thursday | Women's Group at Turning Point Banbury Hub 12.30-1.30pm, 2nd Floor, Banbury Health Centre, OX16 5QD 01295 225 544 |
Friday | |
Saturday | |
Sunday | Hairdressing available one Sunday per month, 4-6pm at The Gatehouse. Contact the office for dates. (This is not women only.) |
See also
General guidance
Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.