Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
RAW Workshop
RAW Workshop

Contact Details
Dunnock Way, Oxford
01865 714111
Service Type
Positive activities and help into employment
Operating Hours
8am-4pm, Mon-Thu, and 8am-3.30pm Fri
Service Description
- RAW operates a large wood workshop, production facility, wood recycling service and retail outlet
- they create a positive, thriving environment helping raise self-esteem, enhance confidence, end isolation, and create a powerful sense of belonging
- 85% of their team have faced disadvantages and prejudice (mental health, addiction recovery, ex-offenders, military veterans, young people who have become disengaged, CAMHS, etc), and some are still battling these issues
- their mantra is ‘be exceptional, not the exception’: if you’ve lived with or overcome disadvantage, you are, by definition, exceptional
- their ambition is to promote self-enabled change and increased happiness, helping people re-set their compass and realise their significant core assets, supporting them towards whatever their version of ‘exceptional’ is
Key functions & activities offered
- Positive daily activity
- Skills training (wood work, manufacturing/production, customer service, logistics, office/admin, retail, stock control, deliveries/collections, and much more)
- Employability skills and routes to employment
- Health and Fitness sessions (on-site twice a week)
- Social activities
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