Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects
Provides shelter
Provides guidance
Provides new skill learning
Accepts time
Accepts things
Accepts money
Contact Details
St Thomas School, Osney Lane, Oxford
01865 204450
Service Type
Housing projects
Operating Hours
8am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri
Eligibility & Referral
People facing homelessness, prison leavers or individuals with complex housing needs in Oxfordshire
Service Description
In Oxfordshire, there is a critical lack of suitable move-on housing for people affected by homelessness and rough sleeping. Aspire are working with housing associations and other partners to provide innovative responses to Oxfordshire's housing and homelessness crisis. These include:
- Aspire’s supported housing for up to 35 people experiencing homelessness in central Oxford, including a dedicated Women’s Project
- Supported housing, employment and personal development guidance for people with experience of the criminal justice system in east Oxford, provided by Aspire since 2019
- ‘Housing First’ projects in Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, and South Oxfordshire, offering intensive support to individuals with experience of rough sleeping, in partnership with local councils and housing associations
- The ‘Our House’ community housing project in partnership with Cottsway and West Oxfordshire District Council, to provide employment and independent living support for young adults in Witney, launched in 2020
- ‘Housing Opportunities Made Easy’, a social lettings pilot project for Oxford City matching individuals we support with private landlords' accommodation to improve the availability of safe, affordable housing for those in need
See also: I need help for women only
Key functions & activities offered
- Simple referral route into the Aspire Housing First service
- Step by step support pre-tenancy, building a relationship at the first point of referral
- Intensive wrap-around support, to include Universal Credit support and help with maximising income
- Bespoke 121 employment, education & training support at Aspire
- Access to Aspire’s work experience programme on our enterprise businesses
- Proactively championing multi-agency meetings
- Independent Housing First evaluation of project
- Homeless Link benchmarking against best practice for housing projects
- Connecting individuals to wider services such as drug and alcohol, probation, mental health etc.