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Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects

Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects

Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts things Accepts things
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts money Accepts money

Contact Details

Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects  Address: St Thomas School, Osney Lane, Oxford - OX1 1NP
St Thomas School, Osney Lane, Oxford
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects  Phone Number: 01865 204450
01865 204450

Service Type

Housing projects

Operating Hours

8am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri

Eligibility & Referral

People facing homelessness, prison leavers or individuals with complex housing needs in Oxfordshire

Service Description

In Oxfordshire, there is a critical lack of suitable move-on housing for people affected by homelessness and rough sleeping. Aspire are working with housing associations and other partners to provide innovative responses to Oxfordshire's housing and homelessness crisis. These include:

  • Aspire’s supported housing for up to 35 people experiencing homelessness in central Oxford, including a dedicated Women’s Project
  • Supported housing, employment and personal development guidance for people with experience of the criminal justice system in east Oxford, provided by Aspire since 2019
  • ‘Housing First’ projects in Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, and South Oxfordshire, offering intensive support to individuals with experience of rough sleeping, in partnership with local councils and housing associations
  • The ‘Our House’ community housing project in partnership with Cottsway and West Oxfordshire District Council, to provide employment and independent living support for young adults in Witney, launched in 2020
  • ‘Housing Opportunities Made Easy’, a social lettings pilot project for Oxford City matching individuals we support with private landlords' accommodation to improve the availability of safe, affordable housing for those in need


Key functions & activities offered

  • Simple referral route into the Aspire Housing First service
  • Step by step support pre-tenancy, building a relationship at the first point of referral
  • Intensive wrap-around support, to include Universal Credit support and help with maximising income
  • Bespoke 121 employment, education & training support at Aspire
  • Access to Aspire’s work experience programme on our enterprise businesses
  • Proactively championing multi-agency meetings
  • Independent Housing First evaluation of project
  • Homeless Link benchmarking against best practice for housing projects
  • Connecting individuals to wider services such as drug and alcohol, probation, mental health etc.


Aspire Oxfordshire's services on this website:

See also: