Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
Connection Support - Mental Health Support

Contact Details
Service Type
Support for people with complex mental health conditions and other issues including support around housing, benefits and getting involved in meaningful activities
Funding Status
Funded by NHS Oxfordshire CCG as part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP)
Operating Hours
9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Eligibility & Referral
You can refer yourself or you can be referred by a friend or family member
Service Description
Connection Support’s Mental Health Support Service provides person-centred support to help in recovery and guides clients to make the right choices to help them live independently. The support will normally last up to 6 months and could be up to 2 years.
Connection Support is part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership—OMHP.
To be eligible someone must be:
- Aged between 18 and 65 with a serious mental health problem
- Be living in Oxfordshire
- Need to live in rented accommodation, owner-occupier, sofa-surfing or residing in non-mental health supported accommodation.
People can self refer or be referred by a friend or family member by contacting 01865 711267 or emailing enquiries@connectionsupport.org.uk.
Alternatively, referral can be by a housing provider or local housing officer, GP, Care Manager or CPN. The Probation Service or Drug and Alcohol treatment service or other local support services or advice agencies can also make referrals.
As an organisation Connection Support offer volunteering roles that support the provision of their services. To find out how to apply to volunteer, please see their website.
Key functions & activities offered
Short-term support to help mental wellbeing in your home:
- Link to specialist advice and support agencies
- To identify services to link into if in crisis
Support to get into work or education:
- Support to enter employment, volunteering, education and training
Support to help use local facilities:
- Such as healthcare, leisure, transport, shops and support groups
Practical Housing support to help live in the home
- Help applying for grants and loans
- Skilled advice with budgeting
- Support dealing with landlords
Support to help you move into a new home
- Support to move from supported or shared housing to a home
- Support to take up new housing
- Advice on how to keep warm and safe
Connection Support's services on this website:
- Benefits Specialist Service
- Housing Support
- Mental Health Support
- Rough Sleeper Outreach
- Step Down Housing Service
- Supported Housing
- The Beacon Banbury
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- Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership—OMHP