Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
Current volunteering opportunities
Asylum Welcome
Asylum Welcome has 200+ amazing volunteers who support their expanding range of services: running a welcome desk, teaching English, interpreting, mentoring, delivering food, providing advice and more.
If you are interested in joining this incredible team, you can find out more at an information evening for new and potential volunteers. A range of openings are available.
They usually require volunteers to commit to at least one day a week during office hours, but some roles do require less time. Teams you can join include the welcome centre, adult & family advice, youth service, food bank, bike project, laptop project, legal advice, education & employment, visitors for Huntercombe, advocacy, comms and fundraising.
Please see their volunteering page to find out more; they have many services so are open to exploring where a potential volunteer can help.
Citizens Advice Oxford
There are plenty of opportunities for volunteers interested in helping with a variety of tasks, including IT, HR, admin, communications, and research/campaigns. The time commitment for these can be more flexible, and your training will be tailored to the role you want to undertake.
They also have openings for advisors and advice assistants. For the advice assistant role you spend 4 weeks in initial training, once a week. After some experience in the role, if you wish, there is a further 6 weeks training to reach adviser level. Some volunteers go on to specialise, to enable them to deal with more complex cases.
Volunteers contribute 10 hours per week on average, with a commitment for 1 year. The work can be challenging and satisfying and is all about helping people locally to resolve their problems. Please visit their webpage to find out more, or email recruitment.
For links to offices in other parts of Oxfordshire see our list.
Connection Support
There are both in-person and remote voluntary positions available at various locations across Oxfordshire. They offer volunteering across a variety of roles such as Rough Sleeper Outreach, befrienders, housing support, English practice, and refugee welcome. Shifts vary and can be adapted to volunteers’ availability. There can also be flexibility with regard to the length and level of voluntary commitment. Please note that the skill set needed varies for the different roles. To find out more about the roles available please visit their website or contact the volunteer team.
Connection Support - Beacon Banbury
An in-person position to provide food and drinks to visitors under the supervision of the Drop-in Coordinator.
You will be maintaining the welcoming nature and continued take up of this valuable community service; setting up the kitchen, including getting the equipment ready; following food hygiene and health & safety guidelines and preparing food and drinks following guidelines from the Drop-in Coordinator; Clearing away at the end of each session; Interacting with visitors as needed, ensuring attendance is monitored and any concerns are passed to the Drop-in Coordinator.
Please visit Beacon Banbury to find out more.
Crisis Skylight Oxford
There are a variety of voluntary positions available at Crisis Skylight Oxford, including fundraising, events and working directly with members. To find out more about the roles currently available please visit Crisis Skylight or contact the volunteer team.
Food for Charities - Botley Bikers
Seek cyclists to join their crew delivering healthy food, men's toiletries and clothing at fixed points around Oxford city on Thursday and Sunday afternoons, and the first Tuesday of every month. To find out more email riki or call 07759 135811.
Homeless Oxfordshire
A Community Fundraising vacancy is available. Engage and thank current supporters through events and talks. Get the Oxford Half Marathon off to a great start, enthuse about the annual Golf Day and more.
A Trusts Fundraising Volunteer is needed for help with applications to trusts and foundations to bring in funds on a monthly basis.
To find out more, apply online.
Oxford Homeless Project
Help is needed to provide community meals every other Saturday, 3-5pm with Oxford Homeless Project. Cooks and volunteer helpers are needed on site. Donations of cooked food or ingredients are also needed.
OHP meet at the Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way. See the poster. To express interest call 07888 659924 or send email.
Oxford Hub
There are both in-person and remote voluntary positions available, mostly in Oxford city. Help build a better Oxford through community-building programmes. Tutor local children to help them with schoolwork with ‘Schools Plus’, support people learning English as an additional language with ‘FELLOW’, mentor a young person long term with ‘Big Brothers Big Sisters’, and more.
Most of their volunteering opportunities are flexible in terms of timing, length and level of commitment, depending on what works for you. To find out more about the roles available please visit Oxford Hub or send them an email.
Oxford Mutual Aid
There are both in-person and remote voluntary positions available. Their Hall is located on Cowley Road, Oxford. OMA is a volunteer-based community action network. The time of shifts varies depending on your role. There are several roles from Volunteer Deliveries (regular and ad-hoc deliveries in the car) to Support/Phone Volunteer to Hall Volunteer (packing food parcels restocking). They welcome all types of skill sets and experience. They have a volunteer debriefing system where you can talk through worries or concerns at any time. If you would like to get involved, please fill out their volunteer form.
Oxford Winter Night Shelter OWNS
Seek volunteers and Shift Leaders to help with the winter night shelter project which runs from 1st January until 31st March every year. The nights are split into three shifts. For more information see the online sign up, or contact night shelter management.
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership OMHP
There are a variety of voluntary positions available with OMHP and if the partner you contact doesn't have a role at the moment, they can signpost you to another partner who does. To find out more about the roles available please take a look at the OMHP volunteering leaflet.
Oxfordshire Mind
In-person and remote roles include volunteers for Peer Support Groups, Administration, Information Service, Safe Haven, Peer Researchers (based in Wokingham), and Wellbeing Walk leaders. They also have opportunities for Events and Fundraising volunteers.
Some roles are flexible, others a weekly 2-3 hour commitment. Find the role to suit you. If you can be caring and friendly and live in Oxfordshire or West Berkshire they want to hear from you. Lived experience with mental health is not essential, but is welcomed. If you have a specific skill you think would help their service—or you don’t see a volunteer position that fits you—get in touch with their volunteering team or call 01865 247788.
Join their friendly team and help more people to receive the mental health support they deserve.
Refugees at Home
Refugees at Home are looking for people who have a spare room in their home and are willing to host a refugee or a person seeking asylum.
Hosts will need to have good transport links to allow guests to retain their independence. Hosts decide how long they are willing to host; placements vary from a week to several months and anything in between.
A home visit and 2 references are required to become an approved host. Guests are also assessed and provide a reference. They match your preferences with what guests need, and you will have a Placement Coordinator who supports you through every step of the process.
To apply, please first read their information for Hosts page and FAQs. If you're happy to proceed, then fill out the application form online, or email if you have any questions.
Recovery Group volunteers needed for projects at The Orchard (Banbury), the Garden Cafe (Manzil Way) and Littlemore Shop and Cafe (Littlemore Mental Health Centre).
Volunteers support members who have a variety of mental health experiences through therapeutic activity as part of their recovery. No direct mental health experience is required, but a sensitive and non-judgemental approach, willingness to learn, and strong communication skills are essential.
Read more in the role description and FAQs, submit an enquiry through the website, or contact their volunteer team.
Sanctuary Hosting
An in-person position, supporting refugees and asylum-seekers who are being hosted by them, and working at various locations around Oxford. They are looking for a time commitment of 1-2 hours per week, although hours will vary depending upon the situation of the person you are supporting. Commitment would be for one-year minimum. You will be supported by Sanctuary Hosting staff and regular training is provided. Your role might be supporting a guest by helping them get to know Oxford and access local services, or supporting a host by checking in regularly to review how their hosting is going and working with others to solve any issues which arise. To find out more, please email Tania.
St Mungo's
St Mungo’s Oxford seek a First Response Volunteer to help find those who are rough sleeping more quickly. Thursdays, 6-10am, once per month.
First Responders enable Outreach workers to spend more time supporting those found to move away from the streets. As such they play a crucial role in ensuring people sleeping rough receive vital support. It is not a client-facing role, and is suited to a first role in the homeless sector, with development opportunities for your skills and knowledge if you are interested.
You must be able to commit for at least 6 months. DBS is required.
Visit the St Mungo's website to view the role description, read FAQs and apply online directly.
The Gatehouse Café
An in-person position located on the Woodstock Road. Shifts are available Monday-Friday 4.30-7.15pm & Sundays 3.30-6.15pm. Voluntary commitment is on an as-and-when basis—whatever suits you. No specific skill set needed. They operate as an indoor cafe provided they have enough volunteers to do so—9 or more. When volunteer numbers are low, they operate as a takeaway cafe only.
They will provide all necessary PPE—gloves, masks (optional) and aprons. Complete the starter form on the website or contact admin.
They also rely on around 35 food group volunteers to fully meet guests’ needs. On average, they use around 1200 loaves of sandwiches each year as well as over 1000 cakes. They also provide just under 6500 jacket potatoes each year and 450 pizzas, so any donations of potatoes, toppings, and pizzas are always found a good home. Requires food safety compliance, use of allergen labels—provided. See the website or contact admin
The Living Room OWNS
An in-person position located on St Clements Street, Oxford. The timings of volunteering shifts are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (09:30 - 12.00 and 13:30 -16:00). They would ideally look for volunteers who can commit to regular shifts (weekly/fortnightly) for at least three months. There is no specific skill set required. Please note that they operate an intimate "Living Room" style day centre so being comfortable in this type of setting and being able to initiate conversation is very important. Find out more on the OWNS website.
The Porch
The Porch provides a place of sanctuary for homeless and vulnerable adults, where lives are rebuilt, and dignity is restored. The Porch is open every day. Volunteer any time Mon-Fri between 8am-4pm. (Sat/Sun 8-11.30am.)
You don’t need special skills and training is given. You can be any age 18+ /any background or ethnic group. You just have to be non-judgemental and interested in people.
Sometimes you can be the only person who has given attention and time to a person that day or even that week. You might well hear some fascinating life-stories.
Assisting with the laundry, serving food, washing up and cleaning are all part of the role. You can also share any special skills or interests: The Porch run a variety of activities including art, computers, sports activities, reading and writing group and fun days out. Project workers will welcome your help and support and the service manager is always interested to hear new ideas.
To sign up call 01865 251 798 or email
Last edit March 2025