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I want to share my experiences of rough sleeping
I want to help as a business or organisation
I want to help in some other way
I want to give money
I want to share an idea
I want to fundraise
I want to help Ukraine
I want to understand more about homelessness
I want to report something I've seen
I want to help someone who is street homeless
I want to donate items
I want to volunteer
I want to understand how to prevent homelessness

I want to fundraise

What to do:

If you want to fundraise, you're in the right place

Use the Enthuse platform to set up your fundraiser. Use it for anything you want to do. Don't let us limit your imagination! Remember, since OHM’s core costs are covered by a donor, all monies raised go directly to frontline projects. We work hard to identify gaps, focus minds and make sure your money gets used where it's needed the most. 


Why not join the Oxford cycle race? Run a half-marathon? Sit in a bath of beans? Do a car wash? Run an auction? Do a bake sale? Arrange a dance-a-thon? The list is endless.

See also

Read more about the impact of your donations
If you're a CEO or manager for an organisation, remember our big campaign: #CEOSleepout

I want to help as a business or organisation
I want to give money for a full list of organisations accepting money

I want to understand more about homelessness

What to do:

Is it still a big problem today? Find out here

The Homelessness Monitor: England is a key report. It’s published every year, and run by Crisis. Read the key findings, and download the executive summary or full report for the 2023 edition.

Learn what homelessness means

The sleeping bag in the shop doorway is probably the first image that comes to mind. But sleeping rough is just one aspect of homelessness. How can we understand it better?

It’s a very precise word. Homelessness simply means living without a home. And none of the following count as a home:

  • Shelters

  • Temporary accommodation

  • Sofa surfing

  • Emergency B&Bs

If you’ve visited any of the above, you’ll know that they keep out most of the cold and wet, but they are not a place you can call home. The journey to a proper home is our main focus and think of yourself as a helping hand on that journey.

The homelessness challenge

A lot of work is carried out in Oxfordshire to address homelessness, often under the public radar. Many people who were previously rough sleeping have since been helped into next-step accommodation.

But that doesn’t mean they’ve found a home. The actual number of people experiencing homelessness in Oxfordshire, rather than just people sleeping rough, has not altered significantly over the last two years.

Who is homeless?

People who are homeless are no different from you. It’s too easy to view homelessness as something ‘other’, to think in terms of tags rather than in terms of people.

It’s also common for homelessness to be viewed as an individual rather than a collective problem—a series of bad decisions or irresponsible actions. With this mindset, the only solutions are clean beds and hot meals, addressing the problem in isolation from its causes.

However, homelessness is directly linked to larger structural forces, such as rising housing costs and the strength of our social security net. Clean beds and hot meals alone do nothing to alter these grim facts.

One rough sleeper described their start in life as “the merry-go-round ride from hell that you just can’t get off”. Oxfordshire Homeless Movement will help people leave that nightmare merry-go-round.

No one wants to be defined by their difficulties rather than their aspirations and individuality

Rough sleeping—the tip of the iceberg

Rough sleeping is the most visible element of the homelessness jigsaw, but it's just the in-your-face part of a much bigger issue.

People often end up sleeping rough through no fault of their own, for a variety of reasons:

  • Many have been left behind due to economic factors such as lack of affordable accommodation, welfare cutbacks, and cuts to services such as mental health and social care as part of the ‘austerity’ drive.

  • Some homeless people endured dysfunctional and abusive childhoods.

  • Several have experienced relationship breakdown, loss of work, debt, alcohol or substance misuse.

  • Some homeless people have been 'looked after' for so long—in the armed forces or prison, for example—that they find it hard to adjust afterwards.

  • The ‘no local connection’ policy prevents people gaining access to some services, including housing, if they have no roots in the area. Some may have moved to Oxfordshire because they found insufficient support in their previous location.

  • Homelessness affects people’s physical and mental health, so the longer someone is in this situation, the greater the risks.

  • Mental health issues often exacerbate other problems.

Rough sleeping—no choice?

Many people roughsleeping are keen to follow a path away from the streets and homelessness. Others become or remain homeless because that pathway represents hurdles, challenges and threats far greater than a park bench or shop doorway.

  • In Oxfordshire, the services find it hard to engage with up to 40% of the people sleeping rough.

  • Some have been previously let down or have no trust in the system ultimately delivering change for them, and so don’t see the point.

  • Some are trying to escape or forget the traumas of their life through alcohol and/or drugs, and judge this to be easier, or preferable, to dealing with the trauma and moving on.

  • Others display chaotic behaviour that makes engagement difficult. Many have mental health issues, and many have additional support needs due to substance misuse.

OHM's ultimate goal is to eliminate homelessness. To deliver empowerment, and to help people fulfil their aspirations.

Is there a better way?

There is now a new Oxfordshire Homelessness Alliance. This new collaborative approach will aim to bring more integration across services with 6 local charities, including Aspire, St Mungo's, A2Dominion, Connection Support, Elmore and Homeless Oxfordshire, who are working with all local councils to prevent and reduce rough sleeping across Oxfordshire.

The Oxfordshire Homelessness Alliance also works with LEAF to ensure the voices of people experiencing homelessness are central to this work.

A housing led approach—also called ‘housing first’ and ‘rapid rehousing’—operates under the belief that everyone has a right to a home. It removes the condition that someone must be tenancy ‘ready’. Our county took on this approach after a feasibility study (summary report | full report).

Oxfordshire is the first UK county to adopt the approach. Progress on delivery will be in our future news releases. (See the launch of the Alliance press release on Homeless Oxfordshire’s website.)

See also:

If you want to find out the ways in which you can help, then please pop back to our main I want to help section.

Question not answered? Choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to help Ukraine

What to do:

The events in Ukraine are devastating. We stand firmly with Ukrainian refugees and believe strongly in our mission that everyone should have access to accommodation, including those who have lost or don't have access to state-funded benefits. 

Our incredible partner Asylum Welcome keep up to date on the status of Ukrainian refugees in Oxfordshire on their website blog and on social media.

If you want to help those in Ukraine and/or Ukrainian refugees, there are many different donation drop-off points across Oxfordshire. Oxford University Ukrainian Society are collecting donations at St. Antony's College Porter Lodge 24/7. If donating, please inform Porters that you would like to donate for Ukraine and you will be helped. On a national level, the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal is highly recommended. 

Any of our partners listed below would be happy to be of support to anyone affected by this situation. 

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to help as a business or organisation

What to do:

Many Oxfordshire-based organisations are very concerned about homelessness in our county. Your organisation is probably one of them—but perhaps you’re not sure what to do about it.  

Join our #CEOSleepout on 10th October 2024 and help fundraise. Please register your interest for this event by sending an email to and find out more on our CEO Sleepout page

It’s a surprisingly short step from being concerned to taking action, we can help guide your business across the gap.

From this website you can find out how to take action, now. Everyone can help out, because the skills we’re looking for are as diverse as humanity itself. Practical, creative, hands-on, hands-off—whatever your organisation has to offer, it can make someone’s life a little bit better.

Join the Movement and make a pledge...

Here are some suggested actions your organisation can take now:


  • Give your time, expertise and ideas to our partner charities who need your support. This could be as a volunteer with a partner charity or through sharing your skills. Read more about Employee Volunteering on the OCVA website

  • Increase your organisation’s awareness of homelessness in Oxfordshire. Please get in touch if you would like OHM to come and talk to your business about homelessness to raise your understanding


  • Consider making OHM your charity of the year and create fundraising events yourselves. We would be happy to come and talk to you about this

  • Make a one-off or regular donation


  • Sign the OHM Charter on behalf of your organisation to show your support for our campaigns and events and get in touch with your pledge(s)

  • Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page, subscribe to receive updates from the Movement

  • Download our poster to display and distribute around your workplace, or use this image as the basis of an email to your staff

  • Commit to making Oxfordshire a fairer and more inclusive place to live and work:

    • recruit inclusively. Contact to find out more
    • improve training and educational opportunities
    • support people furthest from the labour market on their journey towards secure employment
    • procure services to support the local economy
    • look to maximize social value and
    • ensure employees have a fair and decent wage—see The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership for more details, and sign their charter too!

Don’t let us limit your imagination! If you have an idea get in touch.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to understand how to prevent homelessness

What to do:

Our wonderful partner Crisis have offered 75 ways to prevent homelessness. Check this useful resource out to get a brief overview of what you can do to prevent homelessness. 

In your work you may come across families, young people and single person households who are homeless or may be at risk of homelessness. 

There is now an introductory course to help you offered via the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and developed by the Oxfordshire Trailblazer Programme.

The target audience for this course is those who work in specified bodies with the Duty to Refer listed below and those in the wider services including the voluntary sector providing support and advice to households across Oxfordshire:

  • Prisons

  • Youth offender institutions

  • Secure training centres

  • Secure colleges

  • Youth offending teams

  • Probation services (including community rehabilitation companies)

  • Jobcentre Plus

  • Social service authorities

  • Emergency departments

  • Urgent treatment centres

  • Hospitals in their function of providing inpatient care

Please note that you need to register on the website to access this course.

You may also be interested to read about the Oxford Inclusive Economy Partnership. See below.

Question not answered? Choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to help in some other way

What to do:

We want to hear from you if you want to help in another way that isn’t listed. We will try and respond as soon as possible and will use your feedback to improve the site. Please drop us a line on social media or get in touch.

I want to share an idea

What to do:

We really want to know if you’ve got an idea to share. We are looking for innovative ways to prevent, reduce and end street homelessness. Please get in touch or drop us a line on social media.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to help someone who is street homeless

What to do:

If you believe someone’s health is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you want to read about some practical ways to support someone sleeping rough, see how to help someone rough sleeping in Oxfordshire.

To advise someone sleeping rough about where to get something to eat, a change of clothes or even just some company, see daily services.

See also

General guidance

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to donate items

What to do:

Donate useful items in good condition. This is one of many ways to help. We can only solve homelessness by working together.

You can contact all of the services below to ask about current opportunities to donate stuff. We have also created a concise list of what some of our partners are currently accepting and where to drop-off donations.

If you want to donate items frequently and in response to demands, please join the Facebook group(s) of Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration who have donation points across Oxfordshire and also run an Amazon wish list.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to report something I've seen

What to do:

If you think someone’s health is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you want to report a crime against a homeless person, please contact Thames Valley Police or Crimestoppers.

See also

General guidance


Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to volunteer

What to do:

Volunteer and help solve homelessness by working together. There are many ways you can help.

For ease, we have created a list of specific current volunteering opportunities. Below are organisations which tend to offer ongoing volunteering opportunities for individuals.

If you are interested in helping people with their mental health then please take a look at this OMHP leaflet on volunteering.

(Information for businesses about Employee Volunteering is available on the OCVA website. Please keep the homeless sector in mind when setting this up.)

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.

I want to give money

What to do:

Thank you for your kindness.

Help us create homes, a community, and a future for the people we support

Our partners already deliver hard-hitting local projects, bringing hope to people experiencing homelessness. Our role is to bring greater visibility to all of Oxfordshire's work in this area, guiding volunteers, supporters and people experiencing homelessness. Our project work focuses on filling critical gaps in services that others can't.

If you would like to give to OHM, you can donate online and we will ensure that your money gets to where it is most needed—supporting people who have been denied a home due to their benefits status; continuing our engagement with and support of, those who have lived through the issues; and aiding our partners in their work to make houses into homes.

To donate via BACS or to send a cheque please contact us. If you want to pay like this and would also like to add Gift Aid, please complete our Gift Aid Form and email it to

With core running costs paid for by a private donor, every penny of your help goes direct to one of our projects, ensuring more people in Oxfordshire have a place to call home, a community, and a future.

  • £10 could help someone rebuild their life by making it to vital appointments
  • £30 could enable someone to be self-sufficient in their new home
  • £50 could help someone recover from the trauma of homelessness with emotional support and guidance

Thank you so much for your support.

You can also donate money directly to any of our brilliant partner organisations and the ones listed below would all be very happy to accept your donation.

See also

Read more about the impact of your donations
I want to help as a business or organisation
I want to fundraise

I want to share my experiences of rough sleeping

What to do:

We really want to hear from you if you have experiences to share. There are a ways to become involved in our work and we want people with lived experience to be at the heart of shaping what we do.

Please email, contact us on social media, or contact the Lived Experience Advisory Forum directly.

Question not answered? Check the services listed—below, or choose another question—above. Alternatively, drop us a line on social media or get in touch. We will use your feedback to improve the site, and we want to hear from you.


The Big Issue Group: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Big Issue Group: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Big Issue Group: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


The Big Issue Group: Accepts time Accepts time
The Big Issue Group: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Big Issue Group: Accepts money Accepts money


St Mungo's - Employment Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


St Mungo's - Employment Support: Accepts time Accepts time
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
St Mungo's - Employment Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts time Accepts time
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts things Accepts things
Matilda House - A2Dominion: Accepts money Accepts money


Restore: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Restore: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Restore: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Restore: Accepts time Accepts time
Restore: Accepts things Accepts things
Restore: Accepts money Accepts money


Open Door Breakfast Club: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Open Door Breakfast Club: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Open Door Breakfast Club: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Open Door Breakfast Club: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Open Door Breakfast Club: Accepts things Accepts things
Open Door Breakfast Club: Accepts money Accepts money


Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts time Accepts time
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts things Accepts things
Lived Experience Advisory Forum: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire and Turning Point - Pre-Recovery Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Step Down Housing Service: Accepts money Accepts money


Elmore Community Services : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Elmore Community Services : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Elmore Community Services : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Elmore Community Services : Accepts time Accepts time
Elmore Community Services : Accepts things Accepts things
Elmore Community Services : Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Winter Night Shelter (OWNS): Accepts money Accepts money


Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts time Accepts time
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts things Accepts things
Somewhere Safe to Stay: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - O'Hanlon House: Accepts money Accepts money


Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Provides guidance Provides guidance
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Kidlington and District Information Centre (KADIC): Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Salvation Army Banbury: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Salvation Army Banbury: Accepts time Accepts time
Salvation Army Banbury: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Salvation Army Banbury: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts things Accepts things
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP): Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Student Union : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Student Union : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Student Union : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Student Union : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Student Union : Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Student Union : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Sanctuary Hosting : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Sanctuary Hosting : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Sanctuary Hosting : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Sanctuary Hosting : Accepts time Accepts time
Sanctuary Hosting : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Sanctuary Hosting : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Rose Hill & Donnington Advice Centre: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Homeless Project: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Homeless Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Housing Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Housing Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Housing Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Housing Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Response Organisation: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Response Organisation: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Response Organisation: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Response Organisation: Accepts time Accepts time
Response Organisation: Accepts things Accepts things
Response Organisation: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Youth: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Youth: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Youth: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxfordshire Youth: Accepts money Accepts money


The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Porch Day Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Porch Day Centre: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


The Porch Day Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
The Porch Day Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Porch Day Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership: Accepts money Accepts money


ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides shelter Provides shelter
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides guidance Provides guidance
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
ACT (Aldates Community Transformation Initiatives): Accepts money Accepts money


Emmaus : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Emmaus : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Emmaus : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Emmaus : Accepts time Accepts time
Emmaus : Accepts things Accepts things
Emmaus : Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Hub: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Hub: Accepts money Accepts money


Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Luther Street Medical Centre : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Luther Street Medical Centre : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Luther Street Medical Centre : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - Mental Health Support: Accepts money Accepts money


Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Botley Bikers: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Botley Bikers: Accepts time Accepts time
Botley Bikers: Accepts things Accepts things
Botley Bikers: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Supported Housing: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Supported Housing: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - Supported Housing: Accepts money Accepts money


St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Provides guidance Provides guidance
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Accepts time Accepts time
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
St Mungo's - OxSPOT : Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Sapling Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Safe Haven: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Safe Haven: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Safe Haven: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


BYHP: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
BYHP: Provides guidance Provides guidance
BYHP: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


BYHP: Accepts time Accepts time
BYHP: Accepts things Accepts things
BYHP: Accepts money Accepts money


OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


OWNS - The Living Room: Accepts time Accepts time
OWNS - The Living Room: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
OWNS - The Living Room: Accepts money Accepts money


Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts things Accepts things
Survivor Space Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Mind: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Mind: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Mind: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxfordshire Mind: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Mind: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Mind: Accepts money Accepts money


Refugee Resource: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Refugee Resource: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Refugee Resource: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Refugee Resource: Accepts time Accepts time
Refugee Resource: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Refugee Resource: Accepts money Accepts money


Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - Oxford City Council : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Mutual Aid: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts things Accepts things
Oxford Mutual Aid: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Witney Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Witney Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Witney Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides shelter Provides shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts things Accepts things
Aspire Oxfordshire - Housing Projects : Accepts money Accepts money


Edge Housing: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Edge Housing: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Edge Housing: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Edge Housing: Accepts time Accepts time
Edge Housing: Accepts things Accepts things
Edge Housing: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Connection Support - The Beacon Banbury: Accepts money Accepts money


Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts time Accepts time
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts things Accepts things
Edge Housing - Female-only supported accommodation: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Only a Pavement Away: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Only a Pavement Away: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Only a Pavement Away: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


The Gatehouse Community Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts things Accepts things
The Gatehouse Community Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


RAW Workshop : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
RAW Workshop : Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
RAW Workshop : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
RAW Workshop : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Refugees at Home: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Refugees at Home: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Refugees at Home: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Refugees at Home: Accepts time Accepts time
Refugees at Home: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Refugees at Home: Accepts money Accepts money


Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Dogs on the Streets: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Dogs on the Streets: Accepts time Accepts time
Dogs on the Streets: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Dogs on the Streets: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Women's Project: Accepts money Accepts money


Getting Oxfordshire Online: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts time Accepts time
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts things Accepts things
Getting Oxfordshire Online: Accepts money Accepts money


Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Good Food Oxfordshire : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Good Food Oxfordshire : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Adapt Oxford: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Adapt Oxford: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Adapt Oxford: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Adapt Oxford: Accepts time Accepts time
Adapt Oxford: Accepts things Accepts things
Adapt Oxford: Accepts money Accepts money


Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Accepts time Accepts time
Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Accepts things Accepts things
Helping Oxfordshire Homeless Collaboration : Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Banbury Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Together Through Homelessness: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Together Through Homelessness: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Together Through Homelessness: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Accepts time Accepts time
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Community Soup Kitchen: Accepts money Accepts money


Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Alcoholics Anonymous : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Alcoholics Anonymous : Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Alcoholics Anonymous : Accepts money Accepts money


Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Narcotics Anonymous: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Narcotics Anonymous: Accepts time Accepts time
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Narcotics Anonymous: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Greater Change: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Greater Change: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Greater Change: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Greater Change: Accepts time Accepts time
Greater Change: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Greater Change: Accepts money Accepts money


Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Agnes Smith Advice Centre: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Aspire Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - West Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Housing Options - Cherwell: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Housing Options - Cherwell: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


StreetLink: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
StreetLink: Provides guidance Provides guidance
StreetLink: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


StreetLink: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
StreetLink: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
StreetLink: Accepts money Accepts money


Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts time Accepts time
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts things Accepts things
Connection Support - Rough Sleeper Outreach Service: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Project 41: Accepts money Accepts money


Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides shelter Provides shelter
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts time Accepts time
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts things Accepts things
Homeless Oxfordshire - Housing First: Accepts money Accepts money


Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Oxford Poverty Action Trust: Accepts money Accepts money


Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept time Doesn't accept time
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Turning Point Didcot Hub: Doesn't accept money Doesn't accept money


Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Accepts time Accepts time
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Citizens Advice in Oxfordshire: Accepts money Accepts money


Crisis Skylight Oxford: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Crisis Skylight Oxford: Accepts time Accepts time
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Crisis Skylight Oxford: Accepts money Accepts money


Asylum Welcome: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Asylum Welcome: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Asylum Welcome: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Asylum Welcome: Accepts time Accepts time
Asylum Welcome: Accepts things Accepts things
Asylum Welcome: Accepts money Accepts money


Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Provides guidance Provides guidance
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts time Accepts time
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts things Accepts things
Aspire Oxfordshire - Homelessness Prevention : Accepts money Accepts money


Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Barton Advice Centre: Provides guidance Provides guidance
Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't provide new skill learning Doesn't provide new skill learning


Barton Advice Centre: Accepts time Accepts time
Barton Advice Centre: Doesn't accept things Doesn't accept things
Barton Advice Centre: Accepts money Accepts money


Arts at the Old Fire Station: Doesn't provide shelter Doesn't provide shelter
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Doesn't provide guidance Doesn't provide guidance
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Provides new skill learning Provides new skill learning


Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts time Accepts time
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts things Accepts things
Arts at the Old Fire Station: Accepts money Accepts money

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